Bilawal Bhutto: If My Votes Were Cheated


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Bilawal Bhutto

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

If my votes were cheated, I would chase them so they would forget Imran Khan. Larkana is the Chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. Has severely criticized rival politicians without naming them and said. Senior and old politicians have destroyed Pakistan’s democratic economy due to their stubbornness and ego. They have damaged the federation, and if any of them get the government. They will start sit-in politics the next day, and if my vote is robbed or someone tampered with it. I will chase them in such a way that they forget Imran Khan. Gee, Bilawal Bhutto

Today, Bilawal Bhutto, addressing the election rally at Shaheed Ms. Benazir Bhutto Municipal Stadium in Lrkana, said that. I have returned to my home after campaigning and visiting the entire country. I am grateful to the people of Larkana for the loyalty shown to me and the people. It has made world history with my family and my congregation.

He said that when the people of Larkana elect a prime minister. The country develops, the government becomes a nuclear power, and it leads the entire Muslim Ummah. The real world listens because it knows this is the people’s prime minister.

He said that for a long time, no prime minister had been made from Larkana in the country. Now it is the turn of Larkana and the people of Larkana. look at all the political parties participating in the elections; they have become a part of the past and are playing their last innings. We have seen and experienced all of them; they say something before becoming the prime minister and do something else after becoming the prime minister.

Bilawal Bhutto said that the old politicians.

Bilawal Bhutto said that the old politicians still in politics know nothing but hatred and division. They are endangering this country because of their politics of hatred. Their politics is no longer politics, he said. Politics has been turned into personal enmity. Politics has become an abuse, and the whole country is disappointed.

He said that it is our fate to see these patterns again and again if our economy is damaged. These elders and old politicians’ egos and stubbornness have caused their hostility. Which has damaged Pakistan’s economy, federation, and democracy.

Bilawal Bhutto said he wants to sit on this chair as the prime minister for the fourth time. There is no realization, concern, or understanding of how difficult and suffering the people are; due to their hostility, we have been pushed into economic crisis; inflation, unemployment, and poverty have reached historical levels, but they do not worry, worry. If so, it belongs to the chair.

He said that these people have not given their manifesto to the people, have not gone to the people to vote, and are trying to fool them. If there is to be economic stability, financial benefit for the people, and a solution to problems, neither the Muslim League (N) nor PTI can do this; only the PPP can.

If one wins, he will start sit-in politics the next day.

Bilawal Bhutto said that I have travelled all over the country. Mian Sahib is losing his seat in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and is showing it by holding a rally like the PPP in Balochistan, where our party is ahead. Their whole team is roaming the streets of Lahore. But people need to respond and want to see their form.

He said that I am contesting the elections from Lahore, and if transparent elections are held, I will win that seat from Lahore. In Sindh, rivers of milk and honey have flowed; there are problems and difficulties, but the people here are. I salute you for the loyalty with which you have supported the PPP and have given more seats in every election than in the previous election.

He said there will be tough competition if transparent elections are held. If transparent elections are held, whether the PPP wins or loses, it will want this country to move forward and have stability and development.

The chairman of the PPP said that if my vote was robbed, someone tampered with it. If my votes are tampered with, I will know who you are, where you are sitting, and the names of those making these efforts. I will chase them so hard that they will forget Imran Khan.


Who is Bilawal Bhutto Zardari?

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is an unmistakeable Pakistani legislator and the current executive of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). He is the son of former State leader Benazir Bhutto and former President Asif Ali Zardari.

What is the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP)?

The Pakistan Public People’s Party (PPP) is one of the major ideological groups in Pakistan. Established by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1967, it has since been driven by individuals from the Bhutto-Zardari family. The PPP has a background marked by pushing for a social majority rule government and moderate strategies in Pakistan.

What are some key issues highlighted by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and the PPP?

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and the PPP frequently feature issues like monetary security, social government assistance, basic liberties, and majority rule administration. They advocate for approaches to diminish neediness, advance training, and address disparities in Pakistani society.

What is Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s vision for Pakistan?

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s vision for Pakistan incorporates advancing majority rules government, reinforcing establishments, and guaranteeing civil rights for all residents. He stresses the significance of comprehensive administration and financial advancement to work on the existence of Pakistanis.

What role does Bilawal Bhutto Zardari play in Pakistani politics?

As the Executive of the PPP, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari assumes a huge part in forming the party’s approaches and procedures. He is effectively associated with constituent missions, upholding the PPP’s plan and drawing in with the general population on policy-centered issues. Furthermore, he addresses the party’s inheritance as the scion of the Bhutto-Zardari family.

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